Friday, November 19, 2010

Brayden-Discussion Leader 3-4

1.)Why do you think he tells the story of how New Auburn got its name?  To show how ironic the name is because in Oliver Goldsmiths poem he called it the loveliest village on the plain.  He also used it to tie the present to the past.

2.) Why does he spend two pages on nemonic devices?  To give an inside look at what EMTs really do.  Also to show how vague and basic they are which gives you a sense that the EMT course is a requirement that is suppose to really just build confidence.  What he is getting at with this is that good EMTs use nemonic devices to calm them down and stay on track while improvising and problem solving.

3.)  Why does he put the story about Tricky Jackson in there?  For a little comic relief in between the horrible accidents and the boring facts.  It show a different side of an EMTs job sometimes they have to deal with some characters while trying to save lives.  They not only have to save lives but they also have to control crowds.

4.) Why did he talk about lawn ornaments?  He does this to create some commonality between small midwestern towns.  It is spot on too,  where i grew up I'd see the little plywood packer player on a swing quite a bit.  He does it to identify with his audience as well as describe his town a little more.

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