Friday, November 19, 2010

Population 485: November 19, 2010

As we read this book we all, for the most part, had similar responses and reactions to it. Something that surprised our whole group was how much firefighters have to do. We had all assumed that firefighters just put out fires and then, once it was out, they were done. We were very wrong. Not only do they have to fight fires, but they also have to respond to other 911 calls. They have to perform medical work on the victim, control the scene, figure out what really happened, clean equipment and leftover debris, and then attend to all the paperwork that follows such a call. All firefighters have to be very knowledgeable in many different areas and they have to know them well. Our group definitly appreciates firefighters more. We didn’t realize just how much they do for the community beyond fighting fires.

Another thing that caught our attention that we didn't realize is that this book is not focused on firefighters. Although it seems to be arranged around his experiencies as a firefighter, the main point of the book is that this takes places in a small town and it describes the different people and places that make it special to the author and the things that really matter in life. In a small town you can see past the superficial things in life and see the true meaning of life.

Michael Perry uses flashback scenes to convey his ideas to the readers. Although many writers use this technique, Perry puts a spin on it. Each chapter starts out usually with a scene from some sort of accident. Then, throughout the chapter he goes into detail of relatable things but yet don't have a strong connection and then somehow manages to twist it around by the end of the chapter to be talking about the original story from the beginning of the chapter. Our group finds this interesting cause we found that we are always wondering how he could possibly twist a topic to make it relatable and somehow he always does. We also think that, just like he makes each chapter a loop, Perry will make the entire book a loop. So, the first chapter about Jabowski's Corner, we predict, will come up at the end of the last chapter to end the book.

Perry also wrote this book with a sense to detail in mind. He provides the overview of the history of the town and an overview of the people and places, but certain topics that seem irrelevant to the reader he makes seem very important. By doing this the reader can see what means the most to Perry, hence why he spends so much time on seemingly unimportant topics. An example of this is how much he talks about the Silver Star Ambulance. To readers its just another job he has worked, but to Perry its a special time in his life that he will remember forever because of the people he grew to love. With how he writes, readers can feel this emotion coming from.  His writing is so real, that is makes the reader feel like they are a part of the scene/story.

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