Thursday, November 18, 2010

Jenny - Summarizer

1. The first two chapters of Population 485 describes the town by the use of stories. This book is about the fire department and how it reacts to emergencies in a small town. The first chapter of the book is about Jabowski's corner and some of the tragedies that have occured there. It starts off with a girl laying in the ditch struggling to live and then gives history of the corner and finishes again with the tragic outcome of the girl. The second chapter is devouted to Beagle. Beagle is a good-humored and all-around caring guy that has been on the fire department longer than anyone except the fire cheif.

Beagle with his tattoo

2. The author uses very descriptive words to make the reader picture a vivid image in thier head. The way he sets the the tone, however, is what the book is all about. He describes the town in such a way that he makes the town seem like a dumpy little town that doesnt mean anything to anyone but yet at the same time he is so proud of it. He also seems to use a lot of big words and a variety of language. I think this shows that even though he is from a small town he is still educated. He also tends to use a lot of sarcasim.

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