Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rob - Discussion Leader

1) What is the significance of the story about Stanislav Jabowski, his family, and their farm?
        I think the story of the Jabowski's was used to be descriptive to give the readers a clear idea of what the area around the "Jabowski's corner" looks like.  The background of the family is used to show what kind of families live in New Auburn.  The author describes the town as declining and that correlates with the story of Mr. Jabowski, how he was a hard-working blue collar guy who took extra work to make sure his family had what they needed, but in the end his farm ended up going belly up.  Finally, I think this section is important because I think that Stanislav is the first person that is really described in depth, so to me he is #1 of 485.

2)What is the writing style of the first two chapters like?
        To me the writing style is sporadic, almost to the point of being free writing; like the writer is just hammering out every thought that pops into his head.  The language is mostly understandable, he doesn't overpower readers with wordy sentences, however some of the vocabulary he uses is obscure.  The paragraphs seem to move in no particular order, the chapter starts with a group of people kneeling next to an injured girl, then we move to facts about the author's life, to the Jabowski's, and then comes around full circle back to the girl, Tracy.

3)The author is descriptive when describing events from the first chapter, what stories or phrases stuck out to you?
     What stuck out to me was the author's recollection of Janis Bourne coming to his classroom.  As a kid I remember whenever a kid from high school came to our grade school to talk everyone thought it was the greatest thing ever, maybe that is why he remembers it?  The thing that sticks with me from that paragraph is how vivid his memory of her is, what she is wearing, the instrument she was playing, and he even remembers the words of the song she sang.

4)The author starts chapter two with a story about one of his fire mates, why do you think he does this?
     I think it is used to first introduce us to another character as well as provide comic relief.  The section following our introduction to the Beagle is primarily focused on facts about the town's fire brigade.  So rather than jumping in and hammering the readers with facts he uses the story to grab the readers attention beforehand.

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