Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Article Finder - Jenny Halopka Chapters 5-6

"How Running Relieves Stress"

I choose an article about how running relives stress because as a firefighter, there can probably be a lot of stress. In the book, Perry dedicates an entire chapter, entitled "Running the Loop", to his daily run. He talks about how it enables him to clear his mind and think about other things, or to focus on a specific thing and problem solve. Throughout the book he explains many situations where people die or are serverly injured. This can scar a person, espeically if they devle into it. They may think about other possible things they could have done to save the person, or if only they had gotton there five minutes sooner. I believe that running allows a person to clear thier head and get away from these problems for at least a little while. I think it can be very benifical, espeically to someone like Perry, who sees death and destruction on a daily basis.

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