Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Group Discussion Questions-Stephanie LaPointe Chapters 5 and 6

1. Q) Why do you think the author chose to talk about the scene where he, along with the other firefighters, give a presentation to the school children?

A)  In hopes that the children won't panic if they are caught in a fire. The author is hoping that by repeating a few key phrases, like stop, drop, and roll, that it will hopefully save some children if they encounter a fire. 

2. Q)  Explain the relationship the author had with his brothers.
A)  The relationship the author has with his brothers is different from most families.  The author and his brothers don't show a lot of emotion towards each other.  The bonding moments they share are few, but that doesn't diminish the love they share for each other.  The only bonding moments the author mentions is being a firefighter with his brother, and a little about childhood play.  Perry says that they don't all talk with each other, or even acknowledge that they are familiy, but it doesn't change the sacrifices he would make for his brothers. 

3. Q)  What purpose does the authors running loop serve in his story?

A)  Besides using it to get in shape, the author uses it to tell more about his town.  As he runs, he brings up memories about the people he has helped, and the fires he has put out.  He is trying to give us a better understanding about the events that occur in a small town life. 

4. Q)  Why did Michael Perry dedicate a large portion of chapter six to Herbie?

A)  Herbie played a big role in the history of the town of New Auburn.  He is a character that a lot of people can relate to.  Every small town has an elder that everybody knows and has played a role in the history of the town.  Also, the part where Perry talked about the auction Herbie had, really draws a reader into the story, especially the part about the hovercraft.  I mean, who wouldn't want to ride in a hovercraft?

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