Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Brayden-Vocabulary CH. 7-8

1) Egregious-  Extraordinary in a bad way (p. 109)
2) Dilettante-   a person whose interest in a subject is superficial (p. 110)
3) Proselyte-  a person who has changed from one opinion (p.109)
4) Keloid- abnormal scar tissue, in the context of the book it means an abnormal weld bead (p.111)
5) Comeuppance- just deserts or what is deserved (p.111)
6) Dispensation-  distributed or given out (p.113)
7) Milieu- surroundings (p.114)
8) Prodigious-  Marvelous
9) Dichotomies-  divisions (123)
10) Rhapsodizing-  to talk with extravagant enthusiasm (p.139)

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