Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rob - Article 7 & 8

In the 8th chapter, entitled death, the author describes his personal experience with death.  As an EMT he has seen a lot of death in his lifetime, and also claims that he frequently pictures what living people would look like if they were dead.  When talking about death in chapter 8, the suthor brings back Tracy, the 17 year old girl who died at the end of chapter 1.  The author describes how Tracy's classmates left an open chair with a white rose on it in memory of the teen at their graduation ceremony.  This point is brought up when the author is eating at a local cafe and there are a group of older women talking about the memorium.  The article I have linked here relates to a statement that another man says while eating at the counter in the cafe.  One of the women wonders aloud how the girl's parents would get over the death.  The man eating at the counter quietly says "You never get over it."

The article linked here talks about coping with the death of a close friend or family member and thought it fit this section particulary well.  This is the kind of town where everyone knows everyone, and more often than not the death of one of its citizens is probably a loss for the whole community.

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