Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Megan- Discussion Leader Chapters 7 and 8

1)      What does Perry mean when he says, “I am a tiny fish in a puddle of a pond” (115)?

When he says this quote, Perry is talking about how he should not be put on a parade float. In this metaphor Perry is the fish, the town of New Auburn is the puddle, and the rest of the world is the pond. He believes personally that he is so tiny compared to the rest of the world that he doesn’t deserve to be honored on the parade float.

2)      Perry says, “we find if tougher and tougher to focus our loyalties” (123). Why would he say that and what loyalties are we having a harder time of focusing?

Everyone is having a hard time focusing in this day and age because of all of the technology and information that is getting out there. The television tells us one thing, the tweet tells another, and the internet tells us something different as well. It’s hard then to focus our loyalties because all information is pulling us in different directions. Perry said this to make us realize just how confused we are.

3)      Why does death bring us together? (131)

Perry writes about women in the café talking about the death of this girl. Even though they are talking about something not so happy, they still are getting along an finding common ground. Perry then says, “If nothing else, bless that girl for bringing us a little more together” (131). It’s not happy to think about the truth of that saying. Death does bring people together. People take time off from their busy schedules to mourn and unite together.

4)      Perry wants to know, “how one attains the peace implied by that quiet roadside cross” (129)?

Personally I don’t think that one ever attains peace from a roadside cross. It reminds the family and the people involved just what happened to their friend/family member. Also, a roadside cross lets anyone who is driving by that someone passed away on the road. A roadside cross may look peaceful, but in reality it makes some unwanted feelings rise to the top.

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