Friday, December 3, 2010

Brayden- Article Finder CH. 9

One of the main topics discussed in the reading was how emergency responders when woken from sleep have their heart rate jump from about 60 to up over 100 in just a few seconds.  This rapid increase in a heart rate is not a terrible thing if it only happens very rarely.  With a lot of emergency responders this is not the case this happens to them almost weekly.  The long term affects of this can create a lot of heart and blood pressure problems later in life. The article above talks about those dangers.  It is an important point because while it is not easy to forget that an EMT's job is stressful, we rarely think of the physical side affects of this.  They are not only giving up their social life to save others, but they are also shortening their life by saving others.  It emphasizes the fact that they are selfless people even more.

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