Friday, December 3, 2010

Discussion Leader - Jenny Halopka Chapters 9-10

1) Chapter 9 revolves around the idea of using a pager. Do you think a firefighter's life revolves around his pager? Does being constantly on call take away from other attributes of a persons life such as family and friends?

I think it takes a special person to be a firefighter or EMS. They have to be prepared for anything at any time of the day. Yes, I think their life does revolve around the pager but I also think that they like that part of their job. Maybe it's the unknowingness of what could happen in the next couple minutes or that they are responsible for other lifes, but I think they love what they do and thats why they do it. I also thing that it takes away from family time, but that their family membors look up to them for taking on such a great responsibilty. So, with all the negitive aspects, I think the positives still outweigh the bad in the mind of a firefighter or EMS.

2) With all the terminology firefighters have to use it can be easy to mess up as Perry showed. Do you think it was unprofessional of him to use the term "flat-linner" in front of a family member? Why or why not?'

Yes it was unprofessional but not to the point of being inconsiderate. With all the terms i'm sure it's easy to get mixed up and he still had to communicate to the ambulance what was going on. He could have used much worse terms but, I think, even under pressure he still found a suitable replacement word.

3) In this chapter, Perry takes a cat out to shoot it because it is very sick. Do you think this is ethical or should he have taken it to be ethanized? Why?

Personally, growing up on a farm I would side with how Perry handeled the situation. It isn't a pleasant thing to do, however it is better than letting the cat suffer. On a normal farm it wouldn't be possible to humanly euthanize every animal that was to sick to survive just for financial reasons. If the cat was killed with the best intentions in mind then I believe that anyway you do it, as long as it is done quickly, is ethical.

4) "Memory is a means of possession, but eventually, the greatest grace is found in letting go" Do you agree with this quote? Why or why not?

I do not completly agree with this quote. I think that letting painful memories go is part of a healing process, but I think we still need to keep good memories of people we have lost to keep them close in our hearts. I can relate to this because my mother died when I was young. My younger sister has come to me crying because she cannot remember certain details of our mother. I am thankful that I still have those memories to remember my mom and try to live up to who she would want me to be.

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