Friday, December 3, 2010

Vocab - Jenny Halopka Chapters 9-10

Somnolescence (pg 143) - sleepiness: a very sleepy state

Acquiescent (pg 148) - willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another without protest

Hypertrophies (pg 149) - abnormal enlargement of a body part or organ

Palpable (pg 1490 - capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt

Omniscient (pg 150) - all-knowing: infinitely wise
Ineffable (pg 152) - Beyond expression in words; unspeakable; Forbidden to be uttered; taboo

Hemoglobin (pg 155) - gives red blood cells their characteristic color

Sclera (pg 156) - The white part of the eye

Louvered (pg 178) - Horizontal slots cut into the sides of diesel and electric locomotives and certain goods vans to give ventilation

Eradicated (pg 180) - eliminated, utterly destroyed

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