Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Brayden-Discussion Leader Ch.11

1) In chapter 11 he says he doesn't really like uniforms, but when going to out on a call he will usually throw an EMT shirt on or something explain his reasoning behind this?

This is because whenever someone see's a person in uniform they see them as heroic or without mistakes.  When in reality they make just as many mistakes on their job as the rest of us.  The reason he always tries to throw on part of his uniform before he goes out on a call is that he knows that his patient will be reassured by it and feel like he is even good hands even if the EMT isn't so sure about the patient's condition.

2) What are some of the reasons he put a chapter of mistakes he has made or he has seen some other EMT he works with make?

For one it is to show that even in their line of work mistakes are made and that they are only human.  He does this to reinforce the point that EMT's are just like the rest of us. Another is to put a little bit of humor into a book that is mainly pretty serious and solemn.  A perfect example of this is the story about the lady with Alzheimer's.

3) The story about the call to farm didn't really fit with the other stories in this chapter why did he put this story in this chapter?

With this chapter he is definitely trying to get the point across that they are everyday people that have lives outside of first responding.  He talks about not wanting to go out on the call because he was going to go biking but no one else showed up.  He ends the story with him fantasizing about telling the head EMT from Sandston off and refers to it as a "supreme heroic moment", just like everyday people dream of being heroic or telling a co-worker who is maybe a little bossy off.

4) What is the significance of the pig pen boy story?

The significance is that even those who many of use see as heroic don't see themselves in the same light. That when heroes look in the mirror an ordinary person who is just as embarrassing as the rest of us looks back at them.  This is significant because if we looked at ourselves as heroes we wouldn't aspire to be anything or be motivated to be better.

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