Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Summarizer - Jenny Halopka Chapters 11-13

Chapter 11 is comprised of all the different things that the professionals that Perry works with, including himself, have messed up on. It shows that although they wear the uniform and are seen as people who never mess up, they are still people and do somtimes make mistakes that anyone could make. Chapter 12 is about digging for more. It comes up everywhere in this chapter. It starts with Jack Most's rock, then goes on about how Perry was digging in his backyard to see what he could find and even when the septic backed up. Perry had to dig to find the problem there to. Chapter 13 was entitled "Sarah" throughout the chapter Perry explained how Sarah came to be in their family and then the tragic ending of her life.

Chapters 11 and 12 are writtin much the same as the rest of the book. They start at point, usually a story and have relateable topics inbetween and end with the story from the begining. The language used is still much more sopisticated than the backwoods hick he comes off to be and the tone is one of a humorous sarcasim. Chapter 13 is different from the rest of the book. He uses most of the same language, but there is no sarcasim. You can tell by the way he wrote it that it is still painful. One quote caught my attention. "The tough times start the day the last casserole dish is returned" This strikes me as notable because it made me stop and think. I 100% believe in this quote.

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