Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rob - Vocabulary chapter 13

Anoxia (n) page 216 - A deficiency of oxygen to the body tissue of such severity as to result in permanent damage

Traverse (n) page 217 - something that crosses or lies across, obstacle, adversity

Nexus (n) page 217 - connection, link

Vituperation (n) page 218 - sustained and bitter railing and condemnation

Cuckold (n) page 220 - a man whose wife is unfaithful

Erudite (adj) page 220 - having or showing knowledge that is gained by studying

Exculpate (v) page 221 - to clear from alleged fault or guilt

Trepidation (n) page 221 - a nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation

Abattoir (n) page 222 - slaughterhouse

Whorl (n) page 223 - something that whirls, coils, or spirals or whose form suggests such movement

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